After 5pm | a collection of wine goblets

I decided to re-design wine goblets because I feel the goblets on the market were a little prim. Their form is definite. They reminded me of office workers who were required to be formal. The goblets in the display window always stand straight and perfect. Looking at those goblets, I wondered if they also felt exhausted by acting professionally? I named the collection After 5Pm because off-duty time starts at 5pm. After 5pm when office workers are off-duty, sloppiness and weariness become the state of mind. I also wanted to give my goblets off-duty time and to let then relax and be more expressive. After 5pm will be a zoomorphic family of wine goblets. The collection emphasizes a sensory approach through the use of glass. In order to be expressive, After 5pm will be a range of coherent products from functional to conceptual. The primary goal of creating this collection is to elicit users’ emotions by challenging their impressions and expectations of the material. The secondary goal is to offer users various ways of holding and using a wine goblets. I hope that this collection achieves these two goals and creates fun for its users.


Save the Date: 2. ― 6. September 2020

The seventh international designers’ festival Prague Design Week took place in Republic Square 7 in centre of Prague. Seven-day event featured the creation of 77 designers, jewellers, fashion designers, creative people, studios, schools and firms.

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